WILD WEEKEND ESCAPE – NEUER TERMIN geplant für Sommer 2021

Sofern die Corona Lage es zulässt, planen wir für Sommer 2021 ein Weekend Escape im Raum Trier. 

Pilates – Meditation – Wandern

genussvolles Essen – Aktiv sein in der Natur – gesunde Luft im Hochwald

Hier geht’s zu unserer Location, dem liebevoll sanierten alten Bahnhof.

Eine Auszeit nur für Dich & alle Sinne, für Körper, Geist & Seele! Sport, Erholung und Genuss… mitten in der Natur!

  • 2 Übernachtungen mit Frühstück in jeweiliger Zimmerkategorie

  • 4 Kurseinheiten (Pilates In- oder Outdoor/HIIT/Stretching) mit Anke

  • Wanderung einer Traumschleife mit Kaffee & Kuchen (Alternativ-Programm bei zu schlechtem Wetter)

  • 2 Lauf-/Walkingeinheiten

  • Reichhaltiges leckeres Frühstück

  • Genussvoll essen & schlemmen

  • In Balance kommen und Natur & Ruhe genießen

  • Freie Zeit zum Lesen, Entspannen & Nichtstun

Tägliches Programm

Freitag Ankunft 15 Uhr

Sonntag Abreise 13 Uhr

Mehr Infos folgen!

This trip was planned with heart, passion and power that it became so much more than “just” a pilates holiday: fantastic and diverse classes, an amazing location, incredible food and inspiring, individual and awesome people. I enjoyed every single minute. Thank you for this extraordinary experience, you gave me a wonderful mix of power and joy. All in all I want to keep it simple: you are gorgeous, Anke!”

AntjeHamburg - Pilates Beach Escape 2017

“With her endless energy and sense of fun Anke always goes out of her way to make sure everyone enjoys their holiday!”

DoyinLuxembourg - Pilates Beach Escape 2017

“I loved this week, physically challenging and mentally relaxing. Just what I had hoped for. Perfect villa, sunshine & good company. I was happy. Thank you so much!”

KarinZürich - Pilates Beach Escape 2017

“An absolutely brillant week. With a good balance of classes, meditation, running & massages. The villa was beautiful and the food excellent. This week was just what I needed in so many ways. Thank you Anke!”

KelliTrier - Pilates Beach Escape 2017

“Lovely place, lovely team, lovely food, lovely Costa Brava, lovely Villa Pi Blau”


AnnaMünchen - Pilates Beach Escape 2017

I had the most marvelous time in Pi Blau. Everything I expected and more. Lovely surroundings, people and the best Pilates teacher. I truly enjoyed your classes and presence.


IngridRotterdam - Pilates Beach Escape 2017